Friday, November 9, 2012

Should I Come Out To My Best Friend?

This is an easy answer. The answer is YES! Go ahead and come out to your best friend when you think you are ready! If your best friend accepts you, they will be your support for a long time if the friendship lasts. If your best friend can't accept your sexuality, then it's their lost! You don't want to be friends with people who do not accept you for being yourself. Find better friends who will accept you.

Most people I know come out to their friends first, before coming out to their parents. The reason is because coming out to friends has no financial consequences. Coming out to your parents is a lot of harder because they may kick you out of the house (this is a rare example but it does happen in the worst case scenario.) But coming out to friends has only one consequence - which is - if they don't accept you, you just stop being friends with them and move on. Maybe you will suffer emotionally but this is life.